My tinctures are organically grown and made in small batches. Each medicinal herb sets in the menstruum for 4-6 months before straining. Please contact me if you need a single herb or combination tincture that you don’t see listed. All tinctures are sold in one-ounce amber glass bottles with a dropper.
Price is $20.00 Three or more for $18 each. FREE USPS Standard SHIPPING
AMERICAN SWEETGUM BALLSÂ Liquidambar styraciflua: (GREEN)
BLUE VERVAINÂ Â Verbene hostata
CHICKWEEDÂ Stellaria media
CLEAVERS Galium aparine
ELDERBERRYÂ Â Sambucus nigra
ELDERFLOWERÂ Â Sambucus canadensis
HOLY BASIL, TULSIÂ Â Ocimum africanum
INDIAN PIPE Monotropa uniflora
MIMOSAÂ Albizia julibrissin
PARTRIDGEBERRYÂ Mitchella repens
PASSION FLOWERÂ Â Passiflora incarnata
POKEWEEDÂ Phytolacca americana
SCHIZANDRAÂ Schisandra Chinensis
SCULLCAPÂ Â Scutellaria laterifolia
SOLOMON’S SEAL Polygonatum odoratum
ST. JOHNSWORTÂ Â Hypericum perforatum
RESHI (MUSHROOM)Â Â Ganoderma lucidum
TURKEY TAILS (MUSHROOM) Trametes versicolor: Double decoction
USNEAÂ Usnea scabrida
VALERIANÂ Valeriana officinalis
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