Support your lymphatic system with herbs proven to show positive results with lymphatic congestion.
Pour 8-12 oz of filtered water over 1 TBSP of herbal tea. Let steep for a minimum of 20 minutes to several hours. Strain. Sweeten with honey, if desired. Tea can be warmed or served cold.
Tea Blend contains Calendula, Cleavers, Mullein, Heal All, Spearmint.
Calendula, Calendula Officinalis is used as a lymphagogue and is known as a blood cleanser or alterative. It cleanses the lymphatic system by moving the fluid, removing toxins from the lymph, and decongesting swollen lymph nodes by improving blood circulation. Keeping the lymph system moving is essential for a robust immune system. Calendula is used in immune tonics to remove old, toxic lymphatic congestion and stubborn infections. In 1985 and 89, studies showed calendula affects white blood cells with a polysaccharide activity. More studies need to be done.
Cleavers, Galium aparine, as a lymphatic cleaver, works with swellings and swollen glands. It has also been used for infectious mononucleosis, underarm odor, and lymphatic swellings behind the ears. Cleavers increase lymphatic flow in the body, which enhances immunity by circulating T-cells and antibodies. Research Cleavers it is another disrespected aid in our backyards.
Mullein, Verbascum thapsus gets to work on the veins and lymphatics. It promotes absorption and clears the lymph from the body.
Heal All, Prunella vulgaris for edema, swelling, and kidney and thyroid disorders. Research Heal All. It is one of my most beloved herbs I can’t do without.
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